Shipping Luxury Cars Doesn't Have To Be A Nail-Biting Experience

(18 July, 2019)

Shipping Luxury Cars Doesn't Have To Be A Nail-Biting Experience

Saving money on shipping is one of the key goals many car manufacturers and logistics companies try to achieve. Since vehicle transportation comes with many nuances, it’s often costly, time-consuming, frustrating, and nerve-racking.

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When it comes to luxury cars, all of the above increases trifold. Transporting luxury cars by shipping containers requires a special approach. Can something be done to simplify the process? Yes, the right approach to racking can increase container utilisation, improve safety and reduce shipping costs. At Trans-Rak, we came up with an excellent solution to ensure secure and cost-efficient luxury car transportation. Let’s take a closer look at its benefits.


1) Increased Safety

Whether you are transporting cars internationally or on a short haul to a customer in Europe, you need extra care for luxury vehicles when shipping by container. Standard wooden racking doesn’t provide proper integrity and positioning for containerised car transportation. R-RAK racking is made of high-quality steel to offer impressive vehicle stability throughout the trip, reducing the risk of damage while the container is being moved.


2) Varied Transportation Options

One of the reasons transporting luxury vehicles is costly is the inability of logistics companies to fit more than two per container, especially if they are different in size. Accordingly, in order to transport two different vehicles, companies pay for shipping two containers. The R-RAK can double occupancy in shipments of the same vehicle type, and also helps maximise space when shipping mixed-vehicle orders. Thanks to the modular nature of R-RAK racking, it’s possible to construct a rack suitable for differently sized vehicles or adjust the components to fit up to 6 cars in one 45-foot container.


3) Rack Reusability and Easy Transportation

The majority of standard wooden racking is not reusable so companies struggle with purchasing new components for each shipment and recycling old racking at the destination port. R-RAKs are reusable, thus cutting racking transportation expenses dramatically. After use, the R-RAKs can be collapsed for return shipping (60 per container).


A Better Way To Transport Luxury Vehicles

When it comes to luxury vehicles, the less they are handled, the better. That’s why RORO shipping is often out of the question, especially for overseas transportation. LOLO (container) shipping comes with its own set of disadvantages, the majority of which have to do with high costs, safety, and a limited number of vehicles per container.


At Trans-Rak, we’ve solved these problems by introducing the R-RAK. Our high-quality modular solution has an active service life of up to 10 years, cutting shipping lifetime shipping costs and recouping an impressive ROI. For more information about containerised vehicle shipping and our products, please download our free e-book The Containerised Car Transport Guide.

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