EL-RAK vs R-RAK: Which Is The Best For Me?

(19 February, 2025)


EL-RAKs and R-RAKs are two of our most popular solutions for the safe and efficient transportation of vehicles inside Any size of shipping containers. There are many similarities between the two, and each can do most of the tasks of the other. However, each has its own unique characteristics, and is useful for different applications.

Here’s our quick guide:

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What Is The EL-RAK?

An EL-RAK is a strong, sturdy, single-vehicle rack. It is designed to be loaded outside the container and moved safely into place via forklift. This innovation has a wide range of applications. For instance, it is ideal for port-side loading where space and manoeuvrability are an issue. It is particularly ideal for vehicles that have no engine, or for EVs that are being transported without their battery. Due to its flexibility, the EL-RAK is also a firm favourite among transport businesses specialising in classic car and supercar shipments.

What Is The R-RAK?

The R-RAK is the original, innovative design from Trans-Rak. The solution uses high-grade steel pods to secure up to four vehicles of varying shapes, sizes, and weights in a single container. The racks are angled so that the capacity of the container space is utilised to maximum efficiency. Importantly, the system is easy to use, enabling rapid loading and unloading with only minimal training. As such, the R-RAK opens the containerised shipping option to vehicle transport.

What Are The Return Rates On EL-RAKs And R-RAKs?

When not in use, both EL-Raks and R-Raks can be collapsed into neat pods. These can be transported in a single container, significantly reducing costs and allowing the ROI to grow rapidly. EL-RAKs are slightly larger than R-RAKs, enabling 45 pods to be transported in a single 40ft container. For R-RAKs, this number rises to 60 pods. It is also possible to transport a variety of different types of pod in a single container for maximum efficiency and agility.

What Are The Main Advantages And Disadvantages Of EL-RAKs vs R-RAKs?

El-RAKs and R-RAKs have different purposes, so the main advantage is to use the right rack for the job! However, both have many shared advantages. One of these is their durability, which guarantees a safe journey for the vehicle while promising an excellent lifecycle for the rack. Both EL-RAKs and R-RAKs have a 10-year lifespan, after which their high-grade steel can be recycled. The racks are lightweight, which can reduce both transport costs and emissions. Another shared feature is the both the EL-RAK and the R-RAK offer the same close, safe, secure packing ability for any make, model, or size of vehicle.

Are EL-Raks And R-Raks Tested?

The safety, security, and performance of all racks from Trans-Rak are subject to extensive testing and certification. Testing includes exposing the racks to real-life scenarios including excessive heat, excessive cold, extreme turbulence, and falling containers. We have designed simple, effective training programmes to enable anyone to quickly and effectively use the racks, even if they are not proficient in English. As such, both the EL-RAK and the R-RAK are suitable for effortless global application.

What Next?

Our promise at Trans-Rak is to deliver solutions that make the container industry safer, more efficient, and more cost effective for vehicle transportation. To learn more about our range of innovative racks, please get in touch with one of our specialists today on +441926 40 82 82.

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