Four cars in one container! Have you ever wondered how that works? You’re not alone. One of the first questions that clients often ask is how our iconic R-Rak containerised vehicle solution achieves something that many people once believed was impossible.
The answer is quite simple: it’s about good design and great engineering.
Here’s a short guide to how the R-Rak works, and how four cars really can be safely and securely transported as a single, sealed, and efficient package.
What Is An R-Rak?
An R-Rak is a removable car racking system. It is made of reinforced steel posts and wheel frames. Everyone is familiar with this way of safely supporting vehicles: it’s the same type of structure that is used to securely lift cars in workshops. However, what’s unique about R-Raks is the way that they can be quickly and easily moved in and out of containers.
To see this in action, watch this short video!
How Is It Possible To Fit Four Cars In One Container?
In a similar way to the logic and design of road-based car transporters, R-Rak containerised vehicle solutions are about optimising space. By angling the supporting wheel frames and posts, cars can be easily lifted and tilted.
Simply attach the first posts and wheel frame, drive the first car in, and hoist it up. Attach the second pair of wheel frames, and drive the next car in. Then repeat this process for the third and fourth cars.
Although R-Raks are associated with transporting four cars per container, this racking system actually has the flexibility to hold up to six smaller vehicles in one large container. Simply use as many wheel frames and posts as required.
How Much Skill & Effort Is Needed?
R-Raks were always designed with efficiency in mind. Four cars can be loaded in as little as 55 minutes. After training has been provided, anyone can do it safely because the racks are easy to install and adjust.
What Happens At The Other End Of The Journey?
R-Raks are designed for multiple journeys. The quality of the steel enables them to have a continuous life-span of between seven to ten years, making them a one-off investment that quickly recovers the cost. This means that efficient shipping with vehicles traveling in both directions is straightforward.
However, when moving the racks from A to B without carrying vehicles, the R-Raks simply fold up into a neat, secure pod. Up to sixty racks can be folded and shipped in a single 40 ft container.
Smart Design
The secret of the R-Rak’s success is in its smart design. Making the most of the containerised space by working with the natural angles of the cars, R-Raks are about combining good engineering with high quality design.
If you’d like to learn more about how R-Raks can open up the containerised shipping industry to your company, you can download our free guide. Or, simply get in touch. At Trans-Rak, we are always happy to share our knowledge!