How Do We Achieve Loading Four Cars Into One Container?

(1 December, 2021)

5 Benefits Of Transporting Cars In Containers-1

The EL-Rak is the natural evolution of the R-Rak. Using the same fundamental engineering principles, our latest rack is designed to enhance flexibility.

The Containerised Car Transport Guide

This is an ideal solution for two main situations. When different types of car need to be safely secured in a single container, complete control over adjustable positioning is crucial. When racks are used to transport a different configuration of vehicles on the outward journey to the return, flexibility is also important.

In an industry where efficient combinations can make a significant financial difference, the EL-Rak is a way of optimising space, no matter how fiddly the logistics.

How Does It Work?

The EL-Rak solution is a unique approach. It enables vehicles to be positioned whilst they are still outside the container, and then slotted into place using a forklift. Only once the vehicle is in place is the angle adjusted to transport position. This means that every inch of space inside the container can be safely used.

The process is efficient, safe, and economic. By enabling flexibility and maximum use of space, EL-Raks give the control back to the agent.

It’s A Question Of Flexibility

Rather than having to rely upon different cassettes for top and bottom vehicles, EL-Raks are universally adaptable. They fit any vehicle and adjust to any position. This means that the only aspect that the loader needs to think about is the most logical way to stack the cars.

By doing away with fixed systems, the EL-Rak also opens up more space inside the container. With no cross-bars acting as barriers, the maximum capacity of the container can be utilised. With adjustability as a core design feature, that capacity depends purely upon the type of container. Whether a 45 foot, a 53 foot, standard, high-cube, or super-cube, the EL-Rak is easy to adjust for any space.

This is a simple exercise in space logistics. When every inch of space is unlocked, containers become an economically viable way of moving vehicles as safely and efficiently as other cargo.

Catching Up With The Times

International car transport has lagged far behind other merchant routes. This is something of a paradox.

We all know that car transporter vehicles can stack multiple vehicles logically and efficiently. By using the correct angling and harnessing, cars can be easily moved.

The same should be true for containers, which are already used to transport 90 percent of global goods. With the added benefit of protecting valuable vehicles from the elements, containers have built a reputation as the safest way of delivering goods from A to B.

For many years, cars were excluded from containerised travel because reliable, efficient racking systems had not been designed. Reliant upon wooden frames and with poor use of space, the “one car per container” ethos was allowed to flourish.

This notion is out-dated. The science of the EL-Rak takes tried and tested solutions and offers them to vehicles. Today, simple, sturdy, and flexible racking systems mean that containers are the ideal mode of transport for cars.

From Imagination To Reality

Fitting four or more vehicles into a single container should never have been an exercise of the imagination. With a safe, secure, adjustable rack, moving vehicles inside containers becomes a simple question of optimising the space.

EL-Raks are designed to offer agility and flexibility, so that every inch of container space can be safely and successfully used.

The Containerised Car Transport Guide

The Containerised Car Transport Guide

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